MM #2 : Preview

As the spring semester is almost end, lots of students are considering whether to have a roommate or live alone for the next semester.
Some of students at Michigan State University in East Lansing have decided to live by themselves to have their own private places, whereas the other students want to live with someone to find new friends.

Angie Barley, a student majoring in clothing design at MSU, wants to live with roommates for next semester. She said, “I guess the best thing of having roommate is there’s always someone there, if you have a problem.” Also, Barley said, “We have companionship, and that encourages each other.”

Aeolian Zhang, a student majoring in computer science, also wants to live with roommates for the next semester. Zhang said, “Having roommate is better than living alone if that person doesn’t have any bad habits.” Additionally, he said, “As I am an exchange student, I have an access to a local culture if I have a roommate.”

There are other reasons why students prefer to live with roommate; however, the other students argue that living alone is better for several reasons.


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MM #2 : Review