4월, 2017의 게시물 표시

MM #3 : Review

At the MSU Writing Center , highly trained consultant s are providing a service to make students’ papers better. They find pleasure through reading students’ papers and feel happy to communicate with diverse students. Sarah Liddy, a student at Michigan StateUniversity , is currently working at the MSU Writing Center. “I think I am enjoying working at the Writing Center. I love to read and write and I like to share my writing knowledge with students,” she said. Also she said working at the Writing Center helped not only students but also herself. “While I work at the Writing Center, I met diverse people so I could learn how to adjust to different types of people, and learned how to be a more active listener,” she said. Paulina Minnebo, a student at Michigan State University, is another consultant who is working at the MSU Writing Center. “Working at the Writing Center is super rewarding. I really like helping students,” said Minnebo. She said she wants students to be con...

MM #3 : Preview

As final exams approach , Michigan StateUniversity students are utilizing the MSU Writing Center for their papers or projects. Nicole Gaukel, a student majoring in English at MSU, usually uses the MSU Writing Center service for her papers. “I enjoy using this service. I go to the Writing Center once or twice every two weeks,” said Gaukel. She said she can revise her papers with the perspectives of experts . “Sometimes, I can’t see my problem on my papers, but if I ask consultants to revise them, they can see those papers from different perspectives,” she said. Rachel Hwang, a student majoring in theatre at MSU, utilizes the MSU Writing Center for her acting class papers. She said she got lots of help from consultants, but sometimes, she met some unkind consultants. Hwang said when she met unfriendly consultants, they didn’t look carefully at her paper. “ I can’t discern whether a consultant is friendly or not by reading consultant’s introduction,” she said. “I hope t...

MM #2 : Review

If you feel uncomfortable to live with others, or if you have had discomforts with your roommate before, it would be helpful to live alone. There are some Michigan State University students who have decided to live by themselves for the next semester. Jane Zhang, a student majoring in journalism at MSU, decided to live alone for the next semester. She said she can hang out with her friends in her room without any permission. “Also, I like to take a photograph but, if I live with others, I can’t do things freely,” she said. Sare Safari, a student majoring in media at MSU, wants to live by herself for the next semester. Safari said, “Living alone means I can have my own privacy .” Also, she said she enjoys loud music, but it would be hard to turn on the music loudly if she lives with roommates. The preferences for living alone and for living with roommates depend on the value each person is seeking. Because students have to stay for one semester, they have to think careful...

MM #2 : Preview

As the spring semester is almost end, lots of students are considering whether to have a roommate or live alone for the next semester. Some of students at Michigan State University in East Lansing have decided to live by themselves to have their own private places, whereas the other students want to live with someone to find new friends. Angie Barley, a student majoring in clothing design at MSU, wants to live with roommates for next semester. She said, “I guess the best thing of having roommate is there’s always someone there, if you have a problem.” Also, Barley said, “We have companionship, and that encourages each other.” Aeolian Zhang, a student majoring in computer science , also wants to live with roommates for the next semester. Zhang said, “Having roommate is better than living alone if that person doesn’t have any bad habits.” Additionally, he said, “As I am an exchange student, I have an access to a local culture if I have a roommate.” There are other r...